Oh my look at that umbrella! It is very fantastic I think and so so so very loverly. Can you believe I found it at the Goodwill for FIVE dollars. When I first saw it I swear I stood there in the middle of the row in a bit of a dream like state. I really did have to have it because I kept thinking how jealous I would be if someone walked out of the store with it! Noooo! Nightmare! So I bought it. If only I had some idea of what to do with it now…
I would love to do a diy project with these boots (old bottles of paint in the garage here I come!!) and I'm also since cut this jacket and am using the extri fabric for a free people-esc bralette (because they're so darn expensive!) so wish me luck! I must get to my marine biology homework now so adios! Oh poop and I almost forgot...listen to this track please it really is fantastic and has made my day better about 30,000 times.