Sometimes I have these phases, these phases in which I focus my attention on one show, or movie or person and totally try to relate my life to his/ her situation. You guys have all witnessed this sort of phase in my crazy Flashdance post. (Even though I never ended up buying my very own leotard, I still wanted one, and that's what counted). So what is this new phase you ask? Well, ladies and gentlefolk, my obsession numero uno on the list right now is My So Called Life. Claire Danes, only fifteen when she shot the first (and last!) season of My So Called Life portrays Angela Chase subtly, yet brilliantly. And yes, the show was cancelled, but extremely clever nevertheless. When my mom first gave me the DVD box set Channukah of two years past, I had not been so excited. I don't know what phase I was in then, but I can tell you it probably wasn't the nineties. Now, of course, I consider it a little piece of treasure, among a few episodes of Freaks and Geeks and Undeclared. You must see this show, it's like Freaks and Geeks on steroids. Plus, by the end of the season...can you say emotional roller coaster?!
Anywhoo, I decided to take a bit of inspiration from Angela, the "princess to grunge queen" main character and her rebellious friend Reyanne. And of course I had to include a picture of my (as my father likes to put it) "dirtbag" shoe which is about to rip...I will never quit wearing them, though. No one can stop me!
I love the second last picture of you! grungey but girly too :)