Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not a Good Day for a Post...

Oh. My. Dear. Goodness.  Not a good day for a post. may seem fine in the pictures (the sparingly few), but it was not, at least in my opinion.  Notice how I began in the prettier part of my backyard (with the vines and such) and ended up against the wall of the boring side of my house...poop on toast.  Well, what happened Emily, you ask? Hmph, I shall tell you.  I was taking my pictures, being goofy and strange with the pony (not sure why I chose the pony, it was merely lying around waiting to be used) when I looked up and saw my neighbor was standing on his porch smoking and looking right at me.  Oh dear...that was very awkward for me because at the moment I was squatting in the vines and looking bug eyed into the camera.  Oh god, here comes the worst part.  For some reason my natural instinct was to hide, so I ducked under some vines.  Then I realized the porch he was standing on was above me...and he could see me hiding.  I proceeded to pretend to be looking at a flower, but realized this was even more stupid, I obviously was not looking at a flower.  He had discovered my weirdness, and he was still looking at me!  Damn him!  Excuse my French I'm just so mad I couldn''t finish my shoot because a cigarette smoking weirdo across the way was staring at me.  And that is how I ended up against my mint green wall.  Fooey!  Sorry if that was a boring post, but you asked!  Oh...wait...hehe you didn't ask.  Poor old crazy me.

Well, I might as well tell you about my outfit...I 'spose.  The vest is from a West Hollywood one dollar vintage sale and the dress is from the Goodwill in Michigan.  The clogs are my moms (not any more hehehe) and the lipstick...I forget...CVS maybe?

Well, Well, well that be all mates!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sheena Is A Punk Rocker

So, as you all have probably realized from the title...yes, I am in fact feeling a bit rocker chickadee today (and I am aware that 'chickadee' is not a popular 'rocker' phrase, well let me tell YOU something, rockers...I'm bringing it back!  Booyah!) So anyway, I'm not too sure why I am feeling rebellious and such today, considering I just finished up with my every-other-Sunday water testing for the Surfrider Foundation....yeah...what a rebel.  I guess I just wanted to mix it up!  And YES I am aware that I am wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt and the title is a Ramones song.  Yeah well, gee sorry I couldn't find my Ramones shirt. Bleh!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Introducing...Olivia Millerschin!

Hey guys so here's that post I was talking aboot! You know...the one with that supa cool girl on youtube? Yeah, well here it is :D (I usually don't like these smileys.. but I'm just so excited!)

Introducing Olivia...

My name is Olivia and I love music. I play 7 instruments but I'm trying to get to 10 by 2012. I love people and I love sandwiches.:)
So Olivia, when did you start singing? 
I can't even remember! 
Any musical inspirations?
Ingrid Michaelson, John Mayer, Jason Mraz
What would be the name of your first full and complete album (unless you already have one, you talented person!)  I don't have one out yet. I'm planning to realease an ep on iTunes this year! It'll probably be called something crazy.:p I do have two songs on iTunes and you can find them by searching Olivia Millerschin.

Well thanks, girl!  You did awesome!  If you want to check out Olivia's videos (which you WILL be doing after you read this post because they are so very cute) then follow the links below.  The first link is to her very own song and the other links that follow are cover songs.  Hope you're as excited as I am right now!  Woot woot!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mia Shmia

Wow. Mia Wasikowska.  So beautiful.  Love her style.  Love her as a person extremely.  If there ever was a time for a female celebrity crush... so anywhoo!  Here are some beautiful pictures of the beautiful Mia W. (I hate spelling her last name, I actually tried spelling it in the googley search bar like "wasawaki' haha, I'm a doofus).  She is just darn cute, though!  Am I right or am I right?  I am right, thank you very much!  I would love to see Never Let Me looks so good.  And I totally forgot she was in Alice, too!  And Jane Eyre!  She's just too phenomenal for me to handle.

*These pictures are not by any means owned by me*

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Friends: people who borrow my books and set wet glasses on them. - Edwin Arlington Robinson

And Last, But Definitely Not Least...


Ugh, isn't her beauty just plain ridiculous?  I mean, she's basically a shooting star.
My, my my.  Alex and I have been friends since preschool (we celebrated our decade of friendship about three years ago...century is next,hah) and it doesn't even feel like it's been that long. Really now, doesn't it seem like you'd get tired of someone after thirteen years of being together.  Well, I guess it hasn't turned out that way for me because she still remains my closest confidant.  And you know what?  I can SO believe that we've been friends for so long!  I mean, we introduced ourselves by pulling each others hair! 
I love Alex with all my heart and I'm not quite sure what I'd do without her wise advice and same love for scary movies.  She is just the perfect friend and silliest, goofiest fool around.  We make quite a pair, huh?  Goofy and crazy.  Yup, hand in hand.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunny One

Hey guys! Well, here's my outfit post for the day!  As you can see it is sunny here on the California coast...again.  Haha sorry, it's just the weather never really changes here.  There's never snow, sometimes rain, always sun.  Blah blah blah I won't bore you with my complaining about nice weather.  This is a sunny post!  So get lost cranky Emily...okidokes!  My dress is another vintage find from San Louis Obispo, the shoes are, too and the little vintage flower pin is a surprise little present from my mom.  Yay!  Oh, and that journal I'm holding, yeah..that's mine!  Isn't it so cute? Why thank you! I beileve it is.  And the dead flowers in my hair are from the side of my house...yipee!  I guess they fell of from our bunches and bunches of flowers in the front garden.  I'll have to show you the garden sometime, it's my favorite part of the house.  Okidokes, I shall not bore you ANY longer.  TATA!!

Sunny Song
Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.
The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here
My sunny one shines so sincere, Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet.
Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way.
You gave to me your all and all, now I feel ten feet tall.
Sunny one so true, I love you.

Read more:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Stupid Sunny Old Day

Just my luck.  It's frogging sunny (HAHA, sorry my spell check corrected 'friggin' to frogging so I kept it).  Haha I just read that...I'm such a Debby Downer!  It's just, I was planning to wear the outfit below...but then the sun came out.  Darn you sun!  Go back behind the clouds!  You're ruining my pictures!  In all truth-ness, though, I actually do like crappy weather better than sunny weather.  I know, but I've told you before...I'm a weirdo!  I just love the rain and wind and grey skies!  It just makes me want to dance!  Oh dear I've gone off my rocker.  Anywhoo, here's my would-be outfit (if not for that darn sun). did you get in there silly vines.  Silly vines!

'Cuz If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out

Hi!!! Hi! Hi! Haha, sorry I forgot what I was going to say...oh! Right! Okay, so I just wanted to give you all a heads up about a guest I'm having on mi blog.  Her names is Olivia (she has a loverly loverly Youtube channel) and I swear, this girl is talented (and adorable).  She has the sweetest voice and she writes her own songs, that are also sweet and adorable, of course.  So, stop on by this week or maybe this weekend for the post (I'll give you guys a clearer heads up this week) and comment away!  Or I guess if commenting isn't really your you!  Just Kidding!  Love all around!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

So you Guys Are Probably Wondering...

Did I explode? Or get hit by lightening? Or both?  Well, no, obviously I didn't silly.  You know no storms are rumbling in my little beach town!  Only sun, sun, sun!  Okay, back to what I was saying...what was I saying?  Oh!  Right!  The reason I have not posted in a gagillion bazillion years is...can you maybe guess?  Ding ding ding, AP US History is the answer! By the way, sorry I'm using so many exclamation marks...I'm actually not that excited.
Well, here's another post (finally, I know right?) and also a little shout out to my sista (but not really) Josie!  Happy Bday, girlfriend! '"Cuz when you re sixteen..." (get it <-- incorrect Tay. Swift reference)

Saturday, September 10, 2011


You put on a CD
To drown out the birds,
To drown out the wind,
To drown out the chimes.
You plug into an outlet
To drown out the laughs,
You fill your robot mind
With senseless gurgle.
You drown out the sound,
With sound.

All original right there, my peeps!  I got the idea for it as I was sitting in my bed, near my window, getting ready to slap on some headphones and get to work on my AP US History notes. (I realize I lead an extremely exciting life) When I looked outside my window, though, there was the big old sun with it's bright old coat of blue, telling me I should at least be doing my notes while soaking up some melanin outdoors (with sunscreen, of course!).  So now I am getting ready to venture...oh god...outdoors!  Haha...I must get out more.  And yes, I am in fact contradicting myself by being on the computer (still), but I just had to alert you guys!  I mean, what if my skin just couldn't take the warmth of the outdoors and I exploded? Who would tell you that I'm in the hospital getting pieced back together like Humpty Dumpty?  No one.  So there, now you know.

Friday, September 9, 2011

San(d) Louis In My Shoey part tres, el final!!

Wow, I bet you guys are all San Louis-ed out.  I know I am.  Well, don't get too tired of it because here comes the finale to my roadtrip!  Oh, okay I'll post the pictures already!  Fine! 
Now, I now what you're thinking...way too many pictures right?  Well, I'm sorry guys!  I didn't mean to overwhelm you with pictures, but I had to just get this last post over and done with!  Now back to regular outfit posts and such, so do not fear!  Anywhoo, if you're really that mad at me then you can virtually punch me.  Ouch. Ouch.  There you go.

 Our room in the Madonna Inn was the Independence Suite...notice the red, white and blue?  And that very familiar historical painting?
 PINK!  Haha!  The entrance to the pool
 Hey!  Look!  It's Emily with her camera in the bathroom!
 Poor, sleeping Max.
 Sitting calmly with the family in the poolside bar.
 I like to think this picture is of Max smelling his own fart...but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt  and say he's just being Max.
 So pretty.
 The outside part of our room.
 You should probably go to the Madonna Inn just for their cool.

 An interesting shot of our room.

Oh, lookie!  A mini outfit post included!  The dress was five dollars at the Paso Robles Goodwill, the shoes were five dollars from the Goodwill as well and the shirt was my moms so pretty much it was free.
 Why am I sad?  Because I suck at Badminton.

 Too cool for only one pair of pair of glasses is so mainstream.
 Defeated at the sound of my dad saying this will be my only license plate ever.
 Mmm!  Bubble gum Alley tastes delicious!
 In some psychedelic shop with all kinds of things...including the sword of the Jewish people.  Haha...just kidding, but it did have a star of David on it...
 Immersed in their dark room...pretty swirls.
AW!  A really fantastic end to our trip :)  I saw my old Jewish youth group pal in a vegetarian restaurant in San Louis!  She's one of the sweetest people I know and I really wish she would come back to BBYO (then maybe I would go back : /).  Anywhoo, I saw her right before we were scheduled to leave...can you say destiny?  We were meant to pick the Vegetarian Cafe for lunch, even if my dad and Max wanted to go to some ribs place.  Good luck in your next year of college, girl!  I'll miss ya :)